250 Insurance Leads with 1000 Text CreditsBulk Email Marketing AccessLifestyle Benefits, plus advanced AI Solutions @ $179-$259 Per Month!


Homeowner Insurance Leads

This is for P&C Insurance Agents looking to write more Homeowner Insurance policies. This is great for both Captive and Independent Insurance Agents.

Includes: Home Address, Mailing Address (if different), Owners First Name, Last Name, up to 8 possible Contact Numbers, Phone Number Type sorted from the most recent to oldest (from left to right on the spreadsheet)

These P&C Insurance Leads are based on behavioral data, demographic data, and financial data. We cross blend them to create targeted homeowners who need a new policy.

DISCLAIMER: P&C Insurance Leads are for HO3 policies. If you’re looking to quote/write other types of policies, please contact us with details.

Additional Insurance Leads:

*Commercial Auto Insurance

*Auto/Truck Liability Insurance

*Motor Truck Cargo Insurance

*Freight Broker Insurance.

Insurance Data:

*Current Insurance

*Effective Date

*Current Insurance Carrier.

Company Data:

*Company Name Company

*Rep Names Phone

*Fax Email

*Fleet Size

*Time in Business

*Driver Number

*Truck Type

*Geography (city/state/zip)

*Reported Mileage

*Cargo Type



Optional Ad Funnel Set-Up:

Do you want to sell more life Insurance? Then you need to figure out how to generate more leads.

In additional to our in-house generated leads in the success package, grow your customer base by leveraging our extended Life Insurance marketing services and get organic, targeted, qualified leads.

*Life Insurance Chatbot for Leads & Booked Appointment Generation

*Identifying Ideal Life Insurance Audiences/Target Insight

*Set-Up Life Insurance Facebook Ads with Demographic Research

*Set-Up Life Insurance Retargeting Campaigns

*Life Insurance Ad & Funnel Optimization

*Life Insurance Survey to Pre-Qualify Leads

*Life Insurance Facebook Analytics

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