After working in Sales, Marketing, and Development with a number of the top-level speakers (Brian Tracy, Tony Alessandra, Tom Hopkins, Les Brown, more), we have created advanced strategies, designed to help Public Speakers prospect for speaking engagements.
The goal is to substantially increase the reach and results for your audience, well after the event is over. Together, we will strategically “sponsor” attendees to participate in CLAP. Furthermore, we provide you with lead generation solutions, designed to improve your speaking engagement bookings.
- LIVE Financial Advisor/Planner (typical avg. cost $150hr)
- LIVE 24/7 Tele-Medicine Service (includes mental health)
- Each sponsored attendee also receives a Family Vacation Certificate for a family of four (4), plus Entertainment Services & Discounts (streaming tv apps, shopping, dining discounts, family legal services, more)
Participating Public Speakers are awarded:
- Lifestyle Membership / LRM (choice of four, but Financial Health is highlighted for CLAP)
- Guaranteed Access to Business Funding (qualify for up to $500k within 3-6 months)
- Shared Advertising & Marketing Credits (bulk email. bulk sms, voice, paid ads, video training, etc.)
- Lead Generation Software with access to additional speaking engagement lead resources
The objective is to advance local communities, while simultaneously addressing specific business needs for the Speaker. Best of all, when provided with Event Leads, each Speaker will retain 100% of the engagement booking fee!
How it works:
- Speaker sponsors a minimum of 4 pre-qualified families for a 3-month LRM
- Speaker can now add Financial Health (or Healthy Living) to increase value, impact, profits
- Sponsoring Speaker receives an LRM, event leads, marketing credits, directory shared advertising
- Sponsorship “recycles” quarterly for 4 new families/attendees for continued success
- Click HERE for CLAP Sponsor details
- Monthly Speaking Leads
- Calls for Submissions
- Speaker Callouts
- Events searching for Speakers
- Organizations that hire Speakers
- Search Events, Conferences, etc.
- Excel Spreadsheet for Data or G-Sheets
- Event Name
- Event Site link
- Contact Name*
- Contact Email for Organizer(s)*
- Deadline of the Events
* May or may not be available.